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Hello Friends!

I'm Lillie.


So thankful you've clicked over to learn a little more about me. I would love to say a ton of sophisticated things about myself, except I am your average mom. Scratch that "I'm a Cool Mom!" Confession time, I have never actually seen that movie.

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I have been 
married to my
Handsome for
almost 12
Years Now!

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We have four awesome kiddos together, Life is Crazy but it sure is FUN.

Living on the small farm down a winding road, "way to many trees" in a home my husband and I build together. That line from the song, "Daddy built Mama's dream" our children can actually say that about our home. At home I can be found with my camera in hand, chasing those crazies around the yard, cuddled up watching a good movie, rocking on my front porch and drinking my Dr. Pepper.

Most would assume I am an extrovert, however I crave solitude. I contradict that by loving my people BIG

Home is our favorite place as a family, but we love escaping on camping trips for the boys dog trials. Over the next several years I hope to take the kids to take the long road trips to my favorite National Parks, recreating my childhood trips.

These past few years have been the hardest of my life...

While raising our kids, over the past three years our family has battled cancer twice. We have know the depths of grief and healing, fear and joy, loss and victory. To be diagnosed with Cancer at such a young age, changes your life, I've turned this madness into dancing, and sadness to Joy. It hasn't been easy, but oh so worth it. I have seen God answer prayers in our life, and still wondered why we are experiencing this wilderness. All I wished for my children was a childhood unlike my own, theirs while different looks very similar. If I could change this part of their story I would, however I know this journey will one day set them up for outstanding success. The kiddos are still growing, learning, and laughing right here on the farm, and I would not have it any other way.

Fun Facts

Dr. Pepper

is my addiction, and I am NOT seeking recovery ;)



I have had the same best friend since age two. Gosh I'm old, but seriously 30 years,  I can't image life without her.


By Eli Wiesel was the first "real" book I read in high school, and it changed my life. Everyone should read it.

Fitting In

All my life I felt like I didn't belong. It wasn't until this past year I learned that it's okay to be different. 

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